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Progress Check In!

FREE for 51 & 3 Mile Members!
$10 non-members
BOOKING ESSENTIAL- text Becs 021 024 55153

It would be great to see you Wednesday 7.30pm 22 July at 51 Jellicoe Smart Hub for a check-in after the Perfect Workday workshop. Thanks so much for your helpful and encouraging feedback! Iā€™m excited that you wanted to build an accountability group too. Feel free to invite anyone who you think might find the exercises beneficial and fun.

Perfect Workday Check-in:

Come along to talk about how you are going, or not going šŸ˜Š, with your plan and do a milestone review (worksheet provided). I will be available for one:one check-ins while everybody catches up and completes the worksheet.

I heard a few of you mentioning that MINDSET was your biggest barrier, so I will bring along some tips/ideas for moving into that growth mindset space when it comes to structuring your day for success.

June 17

Moving to the New Normal